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The World First "World Psychiatric Exhibit” : Stay Different, Stay Weird.

About This Exhibit

The second step of FEEL YOUR MIND Education Program is cooperating with existing exhibits and events to create an immersive experience of mentally ill individuals world. In this exhibit, visitors can have the physical feelings of some of the mental illness symptoms like hallucinations. Exhibit will also create several scenes to explain the different types of mental illness. 

The purpose of the exhibit is helping general public have a better understanding of 'What mental illness is' and  What mentally ill patients are experiencing.' 

Exhibit Collaterals 

Information Graphics Design

The purpose of the information graphics design aims to provide visitors an overview of a certain mental illness. Taking schizophrenia as an example, it visualizes the basic information about schizophrenia, such as definition, causes, symptoms, and myths and facts. By using a combination of design elements, images, and text, it helps people to better understand schizophrenia.

Exhibits takeaways, grab-and-go

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Explanation Cards

Free standing, explanations

The exhibits creates many visual scenes to reflect mental illness's worlds, when visitors step into these scenes, they can have physical feelings and experiences. The display cards will interpret each scene and correlated mental illness. 

Brochure Design

Folded brochure

This brochure demonstrates the 'tips for talking about schizophrenia ', it includes five strategies for how to support schizophrenic individuals.

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